wtorek, 26 maja 2015


Hi everybody,

I was reading the lyrics of the Bob Marley's song called "the heathen".
I don't know if somebody could help me to understand and to translate this sentance:

"With de heathen back dey 'pon de wall"

thank you in advance



Hi Tonyspeed,
I quess these are the hard questions. Here's my interpretation on what this is all about.
I believe the heathens are with there backs against the wall, figuratively speaking, because we are living in period of time with a shift to a higher consiousness. We are shifting from 3rd dimension consciousness to 5th dimension consciousness. I believe Bob (and many others in the last decades) had a clear vision of what would happen in the future.

Which wall? Is like a wall of higher energy that is coming to our planet. There is no escape.
Who are/is the heathen? The people who are still holding on to their lower frequencies, believing in duality etc... (This is also the heathen within myself!)

What is the significance of them being on the wall? If they are on the wall, I guess he means the authorities/ leaders of the countries; they will fall down.
If they stand against the wall, he might refer to the inevetable increase of energy on our planet.
He invites us to rise and stand up; Live through our trauma's (ride natty dread) and get our energy systems (chakra's) in line and in connection with father -great spirit- and mother -earth-. Then we can stand and live the divine plan.